ESG Research Highlights: Impact of Extended Detection and Response (XDR) in the Modern SOC

1 min read

Enterprises struggle with alert fatigue and disconnected tools to monitor security controls. So it is not surprising that one of the hottest new cyber security technology categories is Extended Detection and Response (XDR). XDR promises to reduce the security engineering burden while using analytics to accelerate detection and incident investigations.

In this report, ESG explores SOC challenges associated with traditional technology and the requirements that XDR needs to deliver. Learn more about what your peers are thinking and how XDR can change the game for your security team.

Major findings in the report include:

  • 80% believe XDR will help improve security analytics
  • 70% have invested or plan to invest in XDR
  • 40% believe XDR will improve security alert prioritization

For more information, request a copy of the full report.